Today I was privileged to attend a funeral service for the Reverend Ben Jones - a long time member of our Board of Trustees. I was privileged to attend for two reasons: the first because I was asked to say a few words about Ben; and the second, because I was able to experience a true celebration of his life.
Though my few words from the podium accurately portrayed the Ben I worked with and knew, they paled in comparison to the many inspired and inspiring words of his fellow congregants and ministers. Words of love, honesty, humor, and great triumph rained down upon the audience and the echoing "amens" only added to the celebratory gathering.
Note to self: in the future, try not to follow the Baptist preachers in the speaking order. Better yet, stay off the program entirely and just sit back and listen.
With the service at the church where Ben received his first calling, it was obvious that everyone in attendance knew and loved him and his family. Though there were probably a tear or two shed somewhere during our time together in the church, there were far more humorous and touching stories, hallelujahs, and thank yous to the Lord. As a man of great faith, Ben was also a man cherished deeply on many levels by those who knew him.
Though the service was well over two hours in length, it still seemed far too short a time in which to celebrate the important life of such a wonderful and well-loved man . . .
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