I know that many of you upon reading the title of this piece will think you are about to read a history of my own hair loss. While a fascinating tale to be sure - "He could not believe the real reason the shower drain was clogged . . ." - alas, I must disappoint you yet again.
Instead, I offer up one of the true joys of owning a dog - more specifically, of owning a standard poodle. Sure, those innumerable feeding times, trips to the vet's office, and unending poop patrols are well worth the love and affection returned on a daily basis from your pet. But let's be honest, when you can enjoy a little laugh at their expense, it can make make life a little more worth living.
More to the point, anytime your daughter's standard poodle can go from a washed out dishrag to a potential show dog after a trip to the groomers, then all is well with the world. I find the entire process and especially the end result, hilarious - except for the bill - and just wanted to share the before and after photos.

Unfortunately for me and my slightly twisted sense of humor, Jade (the dog in question), loves the new cut and cannot stop preening and prancing around as if she is the most beautiful thing on the planet. How much more French can you get?
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